partners & FRIENDS

$HARE wouldn't have been possible without the generous support of our amazing friends and partners. Your belief in our vision and your unwavering encouragement have been the driving force behind this project.

friendly advice & Support on and off set

Sibylle Burkart - Laura Gray - Evgenia Koroneou - Carmine Mastrogiacomo - Sergio Michels - Oliver Meier - Lorenzo Polin - Martin Zentner


Elizabeth Kayden (The Writers Lab) - Taylor Patterson - Simone Schmid - Taiye Selasi - Ali Vingiano

consulting & generous support

Aida Suljičić - Hans Läuble - Jürg Peterhans - Familie Dubno - Purpose Schweiz - The fabulous members of the Zenka Films Advisory Board

GRANTS & foundations

Migros Story Lab - Aargauer Kuratorium - AVT Stiftung - The Writers Lab UK&EUROPE

thank you for supporting $HARE

thank you for supporting $HARE