transparent salaries, sustainable production standards, fair wages, …
Sounds good, but rarely happens. Especially in the film business. Which is exactly why we’re trying to do better. No point in telling the story of our protagonist - a woman who sets out to make the world a better place - if we don’t do the same behind the scenes.
This means:
Equal pay and transparent salaries for the entire team (no above and below the line - everybody counts).
Green film production: a lot of (glorious)train rides and electric car sharing for cast & crew (no VIP drivers on this film set).
Set design: inspired by our background in theatre, we keep set design to a minimum and only use what’s on location and thrift our props. Less is more: as on stage, one single prop can be enough to open the doors to an entire universe.
Casting: we don’t do auditions. We send the actors we love the script and ask whether they’d like to be part of $HARE. It works and saves time, nerves, and money. And what about chemistry? Don’t worry. Creating it is what actors do for a job.
Costumes: we borrow, reuse, and recycle (okay, we’re not perfect - we bought that orange coat and got a fab pair of Italian artisan jeans and a cool onesie from our sponsors ;-).
Female-driven: we make sure women 50+ are lighting up our TV screens in compelling leading roles. Women mostly appear as protagonists when they’re younger than 30. Several interested producers asked us to lower our protagonist’s age to max. 39 years so the series could be sold more easily. No way! We rather do it ourselves! More about this here.
We aim high but we won’t be worn out by neverending striving for perfection. Creativity needs to breathe. Done is better than perfect.
The journey and everybody’s well-being are just as important as the final destination.
We share the ups and downs of the process (both, the fun times and the failures) just as much as the shiny outcome.
And since things do go wrong: lots of conversations with cast & crew: what went well? what didn’t? What can we do better?
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